Lifting up the most vulnerable

Our focus is on helping the most vulnerable children overcome poverty and experience fullness of life.

 Levantador  proudly presents certificates to a group of inspiring young women who have completed their journey in the art of tailoring. Witness their remarkable achievements and join us in applauding their dedication and craftsmanship. Together, let’s embrace their bright future on this momentous 6th of May, 2023.”

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Rv. Fr. Tadeo Ssemanda, PARTNERSHIP LEADER
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Levantador is a Spanish word which means “Lifting up” . It is an independent, not-for-profit, non-political and non-governmental organization advancing societal development through empowerment of   vulnerable groups and communities.

Proving Safe water

Nearly 10 million Ugandans lack access to safe water and 25 million do not have access to improved sanitation facilities.

In Uganda people are navigating the COVID-19 pandemic with the added challenge of living without access to safe water. Now more than ever access to safe water is critical to the health of families in Uganda.


Empowering Women

We facilitate vocational skill training of young women to undertake entrepreneur projects that can generate income to support their families.

Youth Empowerment

We apply innovative, inclusive, and culturally accepted methods to enable youth in the communities to gain control over the factors and decisions that shape their wellbeing

Helping the elderly

Many elderly destitute and yearning for support and assistance in form of housing, medical care, clothing, food and other necessities from people of good heart.

Lunch meals for school children

Many residents of this extremely poor neighborhood try to eke out a living by growing fruit and vegetables, but their small crop is never enough to meet the needs of the Children

Community Health promotion

Uganda is yet to adopt a national health insurance scheme, which would enable the most vulnerable afford medical care

Constructing safer school buildings

All children deserve safe, accessible and culturally appropriate school buildings — regardless of class, creed, gender or ability.

Child Sponsorship

Sponsoring a child is a wonderful way to help change the life of a child in need and bring hope to his or her entire community. By becoming a sponsor you will provide desperately needed opportunities to children with incredible potential. In addition, you will be making a personal investment, building a relationship with your beneficiary and his or her family, and joining a family of "life-givers" around the world who share your commitment to change the world, one child at a time.

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